Category Archives: Conscious

Regrow: the technique that gives new life to your food

The Sleep Journey - Regrow Technique regrow Regrow: the technique that gives new life to your food The sleep journey regrow

Have you ever thought that you can regrow your kitchen scraps and generate a new food? And the most interesting thing is that you only need the part of the food that you always discard, a container with water and sunlight. Which vegetables can you regrow? Options are infinite! LeekLeek is one of the fastest […]

How to be environmentally friendly during the quarantine

quarantine How to be environmentally friendly during the quarantine the sleep journey como ser amigo do ambiente durante a quarentena 01

Due to the global quarantine, the transmissions of CO2 and other destructive agents, have decreased considerably. With most people working via telework at home, the use of cars has become unnecessary. This shows that, whenever we can, we should avoid using our car to get around, giving way to public transportation or even walking, if […]

The world of buying in bulk

thesleepjourney_buyinginbulk the world of buying in bulk The world of buying in bulk the sleep journey comprar a granel 1200x800

Bulk selling, which has been present in old grocery stores for long, has reborn in an era of growing environmental awareness and the struggle for sustainable and responsible consumption, with the goal to reduce the waste that is constantly generated worldwide. In addition to being fair and sustainable, the world of buying in bulk also […]

Mind the Switch: “The way to a sustainable wardrobe!”

mind the switch Mind the Switch: “The way to a sustainable wardrobe!” the sleep journey Mind the Switch the way to a sustainable wardrobe

We are proud to share incredible initiatives as Mind the Switch that want to raise awareness about the impacts of excessive consumption. Mind the Switch event allows you to exchange items of our wardrobe that we no longer appreciate (or no longer fit us), for “new” ones. The founder Joana Sternberg wants to spread the […]

Too Good to Go – No more wasting

too good to go Too Good to Go – No more wasting the sleep journey to good to go

Although nearly 1 billion people suffer from hunger, we waste tons of food every day at home, at work and during the production and distribution processes. Too Good To Go’s mission is to reduce food waste by giving a second life to unsold foods. On one hand, it allows food establishments to sell food that […]

A friendly shampoo to your hair and the environment

shampoo A friendly shampoo to your hair and the environment the sleep journey a friendly shampoo to your hair and the environment

Created in a way that respects the body and the environment, Mind the Trash is the first Zero Waste online store in Portugal. This is article comes to tell you about the new collection of solid shampoos, developed by the founders of the website, Catarina and Christian, which aims to respect the pH of your […]

Best design products made with recycled materials

design Best design products made with recycled materials the sleep journey best design products made with recycled materials

Environment has become a controversial and extremely important theme. Knowing how to respect and honour the eco-system yet working with it, has led to the rise of a clear global trend: living an eco-friendly life. This behavioural shift is happening in everything that surrounds us. For instance, designers’ way of fighting for the health of […]