Having plants at home brings more benefits in addition to the decorative aspect. It has been proven that being in contact with nature helps you to relax. There are several plants that, through the absorption of toxins, help purify the air in our homes.
The presence of green colour transmits a relaxing and anti-stress effect that, many times, ends up being enhanced by flowers.
In this article, we will help you choose the right plants for each type of situation.
Houses with fireplace

Clorofito (Clorophytum comosum)
Ideal for absorbing carbon monoxide, which benefits in rooms with fireplaces.
This plant needs direct sun or half shade. It should be watered only when the substrate is dry, which varies from 3 to 5 days depending on the temperature to which it is subjected.
Dry rooms

Areca (Dypsis lutescens)
Ideal for homes with low humidity, as this plant helps to humidify the air if it is too dry. It is also a plant that helps to remove toxins, such as formaldehyde and xylene.
Areca must be in a place with lots of light but without direct sunlight and must be watered weekly.
Smoking rooms

Crisântemo (Chryantemum morifolium)
Ideal for absorbing hydrocarbons, benzene, present in detergents, paints, glues and especially tobacco.
The Chrysanthemum must always be in a place with direct light and the dried flowers and leaves must be cut weekly.
Poorly ventilated spaces

Dracaena (Dracaena marginata)
It is the ideal plant to absorb the chemical formaldehyde, which is always in various products that we have in our homes, such as cleaning products, varnishes, carpets.
This plant needs direct sunlight or light and must be watered once a week.
Having plants in the room is bad – myth or truth?
We have all heard someone telling us that we shouldn’t sleep with plants in the room, but according to Jaime Pina, a specialist in Immunoallergology and Pulmonology, it would be necessary to have a large greenhouse in a very small room to make us sick.
During the day, plants release oxygen and, at night, carbon dioxide, however, the amount of carbon dioxide they release to the environment is minimal. The doctor only advises plants in rooms of allergic patients, as it can trigger attacks of retinitis and asthma.
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