Coronavirus, are a group of virus that can cause infections in people. Usually these infections occur in the respiratory system, and they can have the same symptoms as a common flu and develop into a more serious disease, such as pneumonia.
How is the coronavirus transmitted?
Although the forms of transmission are still under investigation by international authorities, transmission from person to person has been confirmed and usually occurs after close contact with an infected patient. It is believed that transmission to people, whether by air, through droplets released when you cough, speak or sneeze.
What are the signs and symptoms?
Os sintomas são semelhantes a uma gripe, como por exemplo:
- shortness of breath (difficulty breathing)
- fever
- cough
- tiredness
What is the incubation period?
It is said that the incubation period occurs between 2 to 14 days.

Who is at particular risk of being infected and contracting coronavirus pneumonia?
The probability of contracting the virus is the same for people with or without immunity competence. People affected with coronavirus pneumonia usually have other health problems, such as diabetes and patients with cardiorespiratory disorders. People over 65 are more likely to develop pnemonia.
When should we wear masks?
The use of masks is recommended in countries and places where there is more possibility of contact with infected people, such as, airports, public transport, hospitals, among others. A minimum distance of 1 meter is recommended for people who are infected.

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