How to prepare my house for quarantine?

How to prepare my home for quarantine | The Sleep Journey quarantine How to prepare my house for quarantine? the sleep journey how to prepare my home to quarantine 01

The quarantine imposed by the COVID-19 virus has already begun to increase worldwide. What seemed a myth a few weeks ago in the eyes of Europeans and Americans is now becoming a tough reality.

The worry began to grow in each person and the first concern is: What should I do at home to be prepared for quarantine?

Here are 4 tips to be prepared:

How to prepare my home for quarantine | The Sleep Journey quarantine How to prepare my house for quarantine? the sleep journey how to prepare my home to quarantine 03

1 – Do your shopping for 15 days

In a period of containment of circulation, it is crucial to only go out for what is strictly necessary! When shopping for 15 days, we are preventing us from having to go to the supermarket regularly, as we are used to doing and then avoid being in crowds of people.

However, it is important to remember that we have to be here for each other and think about the next person that will be shopping! There is no point in going to the supermarket and starting to buy everything in excessive quantities! If we take way too much food, the next person myy be short of food.

In a national quarantine period, supermarkets never close completely, as it is necessary to ensure food for the population. There may be a reduction in opening hours, but these will be open every day, or at least, on working days.

2 – Air your home

You must always have fresh air circulating in your house. Whenever possible, open windows and doors to prevent the accumulation of viruses and bacteria.

How to prepare my home for quarantine | The Sleep Journey quarantine How to prepare my house for quarantine? the sleep journey how to prepare my home to quarantine 02

3 – Keep the house disinfected

Take advantage of the quarantine period to do that general thorough cleaning that you never have time to.

Whenever someone enters your house, ideally the person should disinfect the hands with disinfectant gel, to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria.

Nonetheless, it is important that you understand you should use too much disinfectant gel because when you use it too often it also destroys the protection in you skin, which facilitates the entry of bacteria.

Therefore, whenever possible, choose to wash your hands with soap and water and follow the washing recommendations of the health institution.

4 – Prevent others from entering your home

We all like to spend time at home with our friends and family, but in a situation like this, the ideal is to keep your distance and avoid as much as possible people who are not part of your household. By limiting the entries you are consequently preventing contagion.

Do you have questions about the Covid-19? Read here our article about Coronavirus.

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