According to the National Health Interview Survey conducted by the American National Institute of Health, more than 55% of yoga users reported an improvement in sleep thanks to the regular practice of yoga. Additionally, over 85% said yoga helped reduce stress.
In this article, we will advise you on some yoga poses and exercises to practice before going to bed so that you can have better sleep nights. Taking some minutes in the evening to mark the end of a busy day is essential to make yourself feel relaxed for bedtime. Stay in each pose for about 3 minutes and remember that breath is key to relax: with your mouth closed, inhale and exhale deeply through the nose.
1. Balasana: Wide-Knee Child’s Pose
Balasana provides a sense of tranquillity and stability.
Note: Be cautious if you have hip or knee injuries.

2. Uttanasana: Standing Forward Bend
Uttanasana allows you to ease your neck tension and gently stretch your hamstrings, calves, and hips.
Note: Be careful if you have a back injury.

3. Supta Baddha Konasana: Reclining Bound Angle
Relieves tension on the hips and groin areas.
Note: Be careful if you have knee, hip or groin injuries.

4. Viparita Karani: Legs Up The Wall Pose
Helps recirculates blood flow, especially if you stand a lot during the day and thus, your feet and ankles can get swollen and fatigued.
5. Legs-on-a-chair Pose
Helpful for those who have difficulty to fully extending their legs up the wall (previous exercise) due to injuries, mainly in the lower back, knee and hip.
6. Savasana: Corpse Pose
Savasana is normally the final resting pose of the yoga practice so that the breath can return to its normal.

Now it’s time to sleep… see you tomorrow!
Read our article about Six habits for better sleep and have sweet dreams!